Terms and Conditions

Article 1: Use of the car

The lessor rents to the lessee, who accepts by simple signature all the terms and obligations of the present contract for the entire duration of the rental of the vehicle which he/she has custody of for a fixed period and which he/she has taken in perfect working order with all its accessories and documents listed on the front of the present contract. The rental is personal and non-transferable under any circumstances. The hirer undertakes not to allow the car to be driven by any other person whose name is not mentioned in the contract. The driver approved by the lessor acts as the lessee’s agent, and the lessee assumes full responsibility for the vehicle.

Article 2

The lessee undertakes to:
• Use the vehicle for walks, tourism or exercise in a profession, prohibit the use of the vehicle for the carriage of persons in return for payment or the transport and delivery of goods and any other object of whatever nature in contravention of the customs regulations in force,otherwise the lessee will be solely and exclusively responsible for his actions before the competent authorities.
• Do not use the vehicle for any test or competition of course or to propel and shoot any vehicle or other object.
• Do not transport any explosive, flammable or other object or material that is prohibited by applicable laws or that could endanger the safety of persons.
• Do not transport persons who are suspected or against whom search warrants have been issued.
• Do not drive the vehicle in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of drugs, otherwise he will be responsible for his actions towards the lessor for the damage caused to the vehicle and the competent authorities for the crimes committed.
• Pay the full amount of the rental in advance.
• Pay any fine or fine for any traffic violation or violation of the laws in force.
• Pay the amount of damage to the vehicle in the amount of the deductible stated in the insurance contract.
• Pay the amount of mileage driven in excess of the daily mileage limit of 250 km/d.
• Pay the rental price for each day in which the vehicle is detained, requisitioned or impounded by a public authority as a result of an illegal act committed by it.
• Return the vehicle to the place and date mentioned in the rental agreement with all its accessories and documents and in the condition in which it was delivered, otherwise the renter must pay the amount of the repair.

Article 3: Condition of the car

The vehicle is delivered to the lessee in perfect working order and with the bodywork and normal accessories. The meters are sealed and the seals may not be removed or tampered with under penalty of paying a distance of 500 km per day of rental.
All five tires are in good condition at the time of departure. In the event of deterioration of one of them due to causes other than normal wear and tear, or the disappearance of one of them, the lessee undertakes to replace it immediately with a tire of the same size and brand, and of equal wear and tear.

Article 4: Maintenance and repair

Repairs, exchanges of parts or tires resulting from abnormal wear, negligence, accidental or undetermined causes are the responsibility of the lessee and will be carried out without delay by the lessor, the amount of which will be increased by the immobilization indemnity. In the event that the vehicle is immobilized in locations where XXX does not have an office, the lessee may only entrust the work or supplies to an agent of the make of the vehicle, after written agreement has been given by the lessor. Replaced defective parts must be delivered to the lessor.

Article 5: Insurance

Insurance: Subject to the obligations arising from this contract, the tenant is guaranteed:
a. Against the financial consequences of his civil liability for accidents caused to third parties under the conditions set by the insurance code. The guarantee does not apply when the vehicle carries more occupants than it has seats indicated on the insurance contract.
b. Against theft and fire of the vehicle, less the excess set in the insurance contract, and excluding all objects transported. The guarantee does not apply in the event of theft of the vehicle by an employee of the tenant or by one of his representatives.
c. Against damage to the rented vehicle, beyond the excess mentioned in the insurance contract.
d. The persons transported are insured up to the limit of the seats indicated in the insurance contract.
The guarantee excludes any accidents occurring to objects or goods transported, or caused by these objects.
The insurances mentioned above are only in force for the duration of the rental, if the tenant keeps the car beyond the duration indicated in the contract without having regularized his situation under the conditions provided for in article 7 below he loses the benefit of all the guarantees provided for in the contract. Also excluded from the guarantee of theft, fire and damage caused to the vehicle is any driver not in possession of a valid driving license and any driver in a state of intoxication or under the influence of a drug or product prohibited for driving. The tenant undertakes to report to the rental company, within 24 hours, and immediately to the competent authority any accident, theft or fire, even partial, under penalty of being forfeited of the benefit of the insurance. His statement must include the circumstances, date and time, place, agent’s number, a constant police or bailiff outside major cities, the names and addresses of witnesses, as well as information on the opponent, he must not under any circumstances discuss liability, nor deal or compromise with third parties on the accident. The tenant agrees to immediately communicate to the lessor all documents received following an accident and all useful information.

Article 6: Rental

• The rental amounts and the payment of prepayment are determined by the rates in force and payable in advance.
• The prepayment payment will not be used in any case for an extension of the lease. In order to avoid any dispute, if the renter wishes to keep the car for a longer period than indicated on the rental contract, he must, after obtaining the agreement of the renter, Submit the amount of the additional period before the lease expires in court or you may be subject to legal proceedings for vehicle hijacking and breach of trust.
• The renter reserves the right without being obliged to provide any justification or compensation, to terminate the rental at any time or to refuse the extension by reimbursing the tenant if necessary, the amounts of the unused days.
• The return of the car to the office of the lessor or to the garage must be made during working hours, if it will not be the responsibility of the lessee to attend its reception the next day at the opening.
• The rental company is not responsible for items left in the car.
• At the end of the rental, the payment of the balance due by the tenant must occur within 48 hours, otherwise must pay the renter in addition to recurring costs and default interest an indemnity fixed at a flat rate of 20% of the outstanding amounts.

Article 7: Repatriation of the car

The hirer is formally prohibited from abandoning the vehicle without having obtained the written agreement of the lessor, failing which the car will be repatriated at the hirer’s expense by the lessor, with the rental price continuing to run until the car is returned.

Article 8: Car documents

Upon return of the vehicle, the lessee must provide the lessor with all titles and traffic documents relating to the vehicle, failing which the rental will continue to be invoiced at the initial price until production of a certificate of loss and payment of the cost of duplicates.

Article 9: Liability

The hirer remains solely responsible for any fines, contraventions, official reports and proceedings brought against him/her by customs, gendarmerie, police, road inspectors or any other official. Consequently, he/she undertakes to reimburse the lessor for any costs paid on his/her behalf.

Article 10

At the end of the rental period, the lessor issues the lessee with a receipt for payment of the rental charge and another for payment of the excess in the event of material damage to the vehicle.

Article 11: Jurisdiction

In the event of a dispute between the lessor and the lessee concerning the performance of this contract, the courts shall have jurisdiction.

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